
Corma connects to Xero to enable Finance & Accounting practice around having better visibility into software budgets and reducing software cost.

Xero is a cloud-based accounting software platform designed to help small to medium-sized businesses manage their finances efficiently. The platform provides tools for bookkeeping, invoicing, expense tracking, payroll, bank reconciliation, and financial reporting. Xero integrates with various third-party applications and financial institutions, allowing businesses to streamline their operations and access real-time financial data. Its user-friendly interface and comprehensive features make it a popular choice for businesses looking for an easy-to-use accounting solution.

Corma streamlines the management of software licenses by providing a centralized platform to oversee all your SaaS subscriptions. With its intuitive interface, you can easily track which licenses are active, which are expiring, and which are underutilized. The platform sends timely reminders for renewals and alerts for potential cancellations, ensuring that you stay ahead of your license management. By automatically identifying unused or redundant licenses, Corma empowers you to make informed decisions about which licenses to retain and which to cancel. This proactive approach helps you maintain an efficient and cost-effective software ecosystem, ensuring that you only pay for the licenses you actually need and use.

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