Before launching proper Identity Access Management practices inside your company, understanding key concepts will help you avoid rookie mistakes on your path to an organisation that is running smoothly and safely. IAM will help you to save time with automated user provisioning but also keeo it safe with role based access control.
In the life time of any company comes the point where questions get asked on the management of new users that arrive or the handling of accesses. In the early days of a company life cycle this is often being done ad-hoc or by sharing accesses between colleagues. This can work for a while but there comes the moment where things get messy, cyberrisks increase and the first audit reveals how much your are overpaying your software subscriptions because you have no idea about your user identities.
Sounds relatable? I feel you. This is a very common pain in companies. No idea where to start? Well, then this article is for you. Understanding the core concepts of Identity and Access Management (IAM) is essential for effectively implementing and managing IAM systems within your company. Otherwise you risk that actionism will not solve the problem but just increase the complexity and confusion for your team. Here’s a deeper dive into each of these fundamental concepts:
This is the most theoretical part of the article. Afterwards, it is getting hands-on, promise! Digital resources are the assets that an organization aims to protect and manage access to through IAM. These resources can be varied and include:
By protecting these digital resources, organizations can ensure that sensitive data and critical systems remain secure and accessible only to authorized users. This should be an intrinsic motivation for you to keep your company safe and sounds but sooner or later an information security certification (like ISO 27001 or SOC 2) could force you to act on this.
In the context of IAM, identity refers to the digital representation of a user or an entity within a system. This concept is crucial for distinguishing between different users and controlling their access to resources. Key aspects of identity include.
Effective identity management involves creating, maintaining, and securing these identities to ensure accurate authentication and authorization processes. This can get quite complicated once you can easily connect an email to a person. For instance under you could collect all invoices, but should this email have access to your financial planning tool given that some finance team members work on it but others are only working on invoice collection? Initially, this is manageable, but as the complexity in the team grows with different teams, departments, locations, countries grows, understanding Identity becomes key.
Authentication is the process of verifying that a user or entity is who they claim to be. It serves as the first line of defense in IAM by ensuring that only legitimate users gain access to digital resources. Common methods of authentication include:
Modern IAM systems often employ multi-factor authentication (MFA), which requires users to provide two or more verification methods, significantly enhancing security. This is by now a standard technique that massively contributes to a secure organisation.
Authorization is the process of determining what resources a user or entity can access and what actions they can perform after their identity has been authenticated. This happens every month when new joiners get onboarded or team members switch team and need a different set of tools to do their work. This process involves:
Authorization ensures that users can only interact with the resources they are permitted to, thereby preventing unauthorized access and potential security breaches.
With the right IAM system in place, organizations can manage user identities and access rights efficiently, reducing the risk of data breaches and maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of their digital resources. At the same time, it can help you run the company more smoothly and efficiently. Believe it or not, a good IAM can save you money!